
Hi there. We hope you have had a good time so far today.
Ready to find out more about MORZOTOF?
MORZOtof Consulting is a new-to-the-world consulting service provider at the confluence of organization boosting, technology impact, and creativity.
MORZOtof wants its clients to succeed in their mission. Therefore, we guide and sparkle the minds of your company’s experts toward brilliant and elegant solutions. We build a strong support structure for bottom-up innovation, unleashing the organization from existing dogmas and technological hurdles for product and service innovation.
Our story
We are a young firm founded end of 2021 by Kris Van Hoeymissen. Young does not mean inexperienced. Next to our rich experience, we possess versatile skills and a vast network of experts. Our expertise lies within industrial manufacturing, and we enjoy cross-fertilization with other sectors.
We follow the high road and will aim our activities towards an increased capability of people and processes. We believe employees are paramount to a company’s success and apply a human-centric approach.
Positivism and optimistic collaboration will result in ownership and sustainable team capability. And that is important to us!
Oh, BTW, we fight tenaciously against exploiting people and nature. No compromises!
Our logo and name origin.
The chameleon in our logo represents our versatility and ability to blend in. Its unique 360-degree vision guarantees the detection of any relevant information without agitation.
The company name is derived from the Flemish dialect (“Maar zo …”). FYI, the adoption of MORZOtof as a metal band name is highly encouraged.
Relevant search terms
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