
Technology Impact

Manufacturing Technology Innovation

Although product innovation is considered the lifeblood of every manufacturing company, innovative proprietary manufacturing technology is probably the hardest competitive barrier to beat. It is unique because it is hidden from the competition, and catching up induces inferior efficiency of resources and time.
The complex character of manufacturing assets’ technology innovation is the most common reason to ignore or neglect it. At best, the innovation track detours around the core technologies to serve the new stations called AI, Industry 4.0, IoT, and cobots …
Moreover, an exorbitant enthusiasm for the new digital technologies over the core technologies causes the digital investments (e.g., the new stations) to perform sub-optimal. Consequently, the whole network will struggle to deliver the expected output.
Sadly, most businesses do not have an “R&D” program for their manufacturing assets. They have no choice but to go with the incumbent technologies or suppliers when new demands are rising towards the manufacturing apparatus. And thus, companies are throwing away the opportunity for a unique and strong competitive advantage in manufacturing technology.

The good news: “It is possible to build & protect the technology barrier timely and affordably.”

MORZOtof helps companies think differently about their manufacturing technology and creates a technology innovation masterplan that links future business needs and new technology opportunities. We apply a portfolio management approach to your assets to become an effective future-proof manufacturing company.
Without the buzz-words. That’s a promise.

Start-up Management

An investment in manufacturing technology is complex and highly costly. We have set up brilliant project teams with excellent members, and still… many projects fail to deliver within a reasonable timeframe and are not reaching the target economic numbers.

It is common knowledge that preparation and planning are the most significant drivers for project success. Therefore, it’s an accepted and widely spread best practice to hire or appoint a skilled project manager that takes the preparation tasks on his shoulders. That is the perfect start.

However… the reach and impact of a project are much further than the technical implementation of a project.

Most companies and capital project managers ignore the preparation for changes in non-production areas. This goes from staffing & training, maintenance & spares, quality assurance, QESH, OPEX budgeting, production planning, HR, finance & accounting, procurement, …

The changes are multiple and diverse. Therefore the implementation of most changes is rightfully executed by the experts in the respective groups. Typically the expert’s availability or skills are not the gaps towards success. The main contributors to failure are communication and coordination with the complete set of stakeholders.

Start-up management ensures that project- and change management occurs within all disciplines affected by a capital project.

MORZOtof consultants have been involved in and led several World Class Manufacturing start-up initiatives and are happy to engage with your organization and project management consultants to help deliver your projects’ vertical start-ups.